Denim Kümesi Hizmet Alım Duyurusu




Istanbul Apparel Exporters Association (IHKIB) is one of the most important associations of the Turkish apparel sector, which is itself one of the leading industrial sectors in Turkey. That was founded in 1986, is one of the four exporters associations under the General Secretariat of Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters Association (ITKIB). The Association, which has 9.425 members comprising 75% of Turkey's total apparel exports amounting to some US dollars 17 billion annually, plays a central role in the apparel industry as a whole.

The first goal of IHKIB is to enhance its exporters' competitive advantages and find opportunities through which member companies can develop new B2B relationships and establish effective communication for business purposes. Istanbul Ready-Made Garment Exporters' Association is one of the leading organizations in Turkey with longtime experience in both nationally and internationally funded projects with proven success and acknowledged outputs.

IHKIB is currently carrying out İstanbul Denim Garment Exporters' Cluster Project with 14 denim manufacturers who work with the best known international brands and have strong collection capability. The main goal of the cluster is to “support cluster companies in the face of global economic challenges through enhancing business and institutional collaboration and networking for territorial innovation and competitiveness” as set by Ministry of Economy of Turkey. İstanbul Denim Exporters' Cluster is formed as a result of the project called “Improving International Competitiveness of Turkish Denim Garment Sector (URGE)”. This cluster based project is coordinated by IHKIB and funded by Ministry of Economy in Turkey with a vision to mobilize local dynamics to reinforce Turkish SMEs' sustainability on international trading environment.

İstanbul Denim Garment Exporters' Cluster aims to carry out several actions and activities in the field of mutual learning (training and consultancy), international marketing activities and trade missions in order to prepare companies for international competition and for improving their export and innovation skills. 

In the beginning of the project the İstanbul Denim Garment Exporters' Cluster prepared a needs analysis, which helped prepare a roadmap by determining the expectations and needs of cluster firms, the markets targeted by the cluster firms and planned to enter.  For the last quarter of 2017, Sweden has the second largest growth rate among the Turkish denim garment export countries. Since there have been many “baby brands that require relatively small amount of orders”, Sweden has a big potential for our denim manufacturers.

To this end as IHKIB we are planning to organize B2B meetings in Sweden for the İstanbul Denim Garment Exporters' Cluster.  Cluster companies will be supported through a preliminary phase before the B2B organization. Thereby, we are in search for a PR Agency / Consulting Agency which will provide service for “Swedish Market-Oriented Company Analyses and Collection Guidance for Denim Cluster Companies”. 


The Service Provider shall provide the following service to IHKIB

1.       Identifying Technical Sourcing Agents/Experts/Consultants:  The service provider will be responsible in identifying one technical sourcing agent/expert/consultant within the Swedish sector whom has experience working with Turkish manufactures.

2.       Company / Sector Analyses in Istanbul: The service provider and the technical sourcing agent/expert/consultant will travel to Istanbul-Turkey for four days to visit our all cluster companies' facilities/showrooms (14 in total) and conduct a micro analysis on the following: production, products, market & sales, social compliance and Swedish entry capabilities. 

Visits are expected to be 1,5 hours/day per company as average.

3.       Delivery of Company Analyses Reports: After the analysis the service provider will provide one-page reports regarding his/her findings and give a general overview of the Swedish denim market to our cluster companies. The report template will be provided by IHKIB.

4.       Nordic/Swedish Market Seminar: A comprehensive informing presentation about the market (opportunities/limitations, product prices, volumes, delivery terms, payment terms, qualities, operational models etc.) 1 day / 2 hours in İstanbul

Place: İstanbul / Turkey – Facilities/Showrooms of Cluster Companies

Date: March 2018 / To Be Decided

Interested parties are kindly requested to submit following documents to IHKIB via e-mail or post up to 12/03/2018:

E-mail: ;


1.       Company Background Information

2.       Curriculum Vitae of all personel who will be working on the Project

3.       Scope of Services

4.       Deliverables

5.       Legal Identity Form

6.       Financial Offer Form (signed and stamped)


FINANCIAL OFFER FORM                                                           

Proposal Title  : Swedish Market-Oriented Company Analyses and Collection Guidance for Denim Cluster Companies

Offerer Name  : … … … … … … … … …


Title of the Service be provided

Number of Cluster Companies

Cost per Cluster Company

Total Consultancy Cost

Delivery Dates

Swedish Market-Oriented Company Analyses and Collection

Guidance for Denim Cluster Companies


To Be Decided


Note: Proposals will be submitted including VAT and any other taxes. In signing this form, the offerer accepts in full and without restriction the special and general conditions defined in the attached Turkish Terms of Reference for Middle East Buyers Mission.

Seal of the Company
